Improving Fan Reliability and Longevity

As outlined in The Decisive Factor for Fan Service Life, the longevity of fans is primarily determined by the lifespan of the grease used in their bearings. Therefore, extending the life of the grease directly contributes to extending the overall lifespan of the fan. Below are four methods to achieve this:

  1. Lower the bearing temperature
  2. Reduce the bearing load
  3. Use higher-quality grease
  4. Enhance the bearing load capacity

While items 2 to 4 are typically fixed during the fan's development and are difficult for users to modify, item 1—"Lower the bearing temperature"—can still be effectively addressed by reducing the fan's ambient temperature. For example, if a fan is expected to last 40,000 hours in a 60°C environment, that lifespan increases to 70,000 hours in a 40°C environment.

Although fans are mainly used for cooling, it's important to recognize that the service life of the fan itself is influenced by the ambient temperature. This should be taken into account when selecting fans to help ensure more reliable, maintenance-free equipment operation.

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